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  1. Davey says:

    love your blog! of course!
    here is a link to another KLR video of mine…

  2. Davey says:

    oh. woops… i’m in San Francisco now… but here’s the video of what you missed on the way down!


  3. Wooderson says:

    Hey man I love your blog. I also ride KLR650 and am into Kiting. I am moving back to Vancouver Island in the new year. see you on the beach

    • thelazyrando says:

      @Wooderson – drop me a line when you are in town. I’ll be riding my KLR out to Lake Nitnaht to kite – fun logging road ride if you don’t get smoked by a runaway truck…=-) We can convoy!

  4. John says:

    Hi there.. I was wondering if you had any pics on your setup with your kiteboard gear?? I am looking to do this very similar thing.. thx for the blog!!!

    • thelazyrando says:

      Here is my gear less the board:


      The board either goes across the seat under the kites or backwards under the kites depending what the riding I’m doing is like.


      I’ll get some better pics up this spring.

  5. Unstable Rider says:

    I stole your line about your wife’s sister in the pool as a signature line for a forum.

    Sorry. I am bad. Can I just borrow it for awhile?

  6. Luke says:

    Hello, Do you know of any 2008 onward KLR650s in the UK? R&G are looking to create a product range for this bike and we are struggling to obtain one in the UK, due to them not being officially available. Thanks for your time, luke@rg-racing.com

  7. Luke says:

    Thanks for the prompt response. I’ve already posted on a couple of forums, including that one. Fingers crossed. We might even buy a bike. Maybe we should get you to have a look at the products once they are developed?

    • Vik says:

      @Luke – no worries. Definitely drop me a line when you are ready to test your products. I’m an engineer and QC guy so I can give you some detailed feedback on anything as well as post it to the blog for other’s to find.

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