Posts Tagged ‘dsr’

Dual Sport Riding Techniques DVD…

Posted: October 22, 2011 in ADV Ride, How To..., Safety

DVD cover art...

There are lots of folks buying dualsport bikes that are new motorcyclists because it’s an approachable and exciting part of riding world or they are street riders who want to explore some of those dirt roads and trails they pass on the highway. Learning on the job in the dirt can be painful, dangerous and demoralizing – especially if you are an experienced street rider who ends up feeling like they’ve never been on a bike before! One smart option is to learn the basics before you hit the dirt so that you at least understand what is supposed to happen and to take away some of the fear of the unknown.

My KLR dirt riding experience is years old and I feel like I’m starting over so I ordered up this Dual Sport Riding Techiques DVD from DSR. At $29.99 it’s a low cost way to refresh my memory of how not to get killed on my KLR in Baja this winter!

To save me some time here is what DSR says about their DVD:

This DVD isolates each of the skills needed to follow the road less traveled, gives specific pointers and ways to practice, and then puts them all together on the trail.

The DVD covers in detail:

  • Body Position
  • Turns
  • Hill climbs and descents
  • Rocky/ rooty/ rough terrain
  • Sandy/ muddy/ loose terrain
  • Line selection
  • Bike setup

Each section contains specific drills that you can do to improve your riding at your own pace, including ways to tailor the exercises for riders with more or less experience. With practice, these drills cement the correct response for any given situation, and when combined with some great tips on line selection, you’ll find new confidence and enjoyment when riding off-road.

In addition, bonus features include:

  • Suspension Setup
  • Tire Changes
  • Trailriding Footage

Filmed on location in Utah and Colorado.

Total running time: Approx 50 minutes”



So what did I think?

  • excellent production value
  • simple well illustrated explanations for each point
  • enough actual riding segments to keep me stoked
  • wide enough scope to get you rolling on the trail without trying to cram so much in you get overwhelmed
  • logical breaks between sections so you can easily FFWD to the section you want to review
  • friendly supportive attitude for the dirt newbie
  • great focus on staying safe and respecting the environment
  • bonus features were useful

I was really impressed with this DVD. It’s clear that Ned Suesse [instructor/narrator] has been teaching DS riding for a long time and that he loves riding his bike in the dirt. He comes across like a wise friendly coach who’s always cautious, but let’s you know that if you work hard you’ll be out there rocking and rolling with the rest of the DS riding community. Each section of the DVD builds on the previous one and is broken down into easy to understand steps with clear examples of what happens when you do it right or wrong. One thing I really appreciated was the clips throughout the DVD of experienced guys riding skillfully across the terrain that was just being discussed. That was entertaining and motivating plus it showed how to use the skills you were being taught at real speeds. Without them I might have gotten a bit bored like being in school too long, but with those clips it was really fun to watch the DVD just for the beautiful scenery and the riding action.

Besides the 50mins of main DVD footage there are quite a few useful bonus features: on topics like suspension setup, tire changes and some fun trail riding footage. Just when you thought you’d seen it all if you open the DVD folder on your computer you’ll see a 6 page PDF file with tips for each section that you can print take with you on the trail to refresh your memory when you are out there using the skills you’ve learned. That’s a nice extra value added item that highlights the fact the DSR folks want to see you be successful and that they really care.

How to use this DVD?

Nobody, including the DSR folks, is going to claim that you’ll become an expert DS rider by watching a DVD. Having said that if you are new to dirt/gravel riding you need to start somewhere and this DVD is good place. Taking a course or learning from a more experienced rider is a smart option, but rather than going into a course cold it makes a lot of sense to review the basics on this DVD so you get the most from your time with an instructor.

If you don’t have a DS riding course readily available or a friend who can show you the ropes you can use this DVD to learn the basics – IF YOU ARE CAREFUL. Reread that last bit – it’s important! Pick a safe place to practice. Go with a buddy or at least let someone know wear you are and when you’ll be back. Work on a couple things at a time and stop before you get tired. Of course where all the necessary protective gear and if you aren’t sure what you need ask an expert before you head out.

The Bottom Line

This DVD is educational and entertaining. The production quality is excellent and the topics it covers are all essential skills for the new DS rider. For $29.99 it’s one of the better investments you can make and once you are done with it you can pass it along to a friend to get them excited about DS riding.